InBody Scholar

InBody continues to work closely with academic researchers on a global scale to develop more in-depth clinical applications of body composition. With our long history in the industry, we provide more than 7,000 research publications. Research title with ★ indicates InBody recommended paper.

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Specific characterization of regional storage fat in upper and lower limbs of young healthy adults

Body Composition Assessment
Yamauchi J et al.
Used Parameters : Segmental FFM, PBF

Publication Year : 2015

Country : Japan

Journal : Springerplus

This study aimed to determine the specific characterization of regional storage fat in the upper limb as compared to the lower limb of young healthy adults. The regional storage fat and skeletal muscle in upper and lower limbs were obtained by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). For MRI measurements, images at the continuous anatomical cross-sectional areas of subcutaneous adipose tissue and skeletal muscle in the upper arm and thigh were selected for the …
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