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Aster spathulifolius Maxim extract reduces body weight and fat mass in obese humans

Cho IJ et al.
Used Parameters : BFM

Publication Year : 2016

Country : Korea

Journal : Nutrition Research

Aster spathulifolius Maxim (AS), a perennial herb of the genus Aster within the family Asteraceae, induced weight loss in a rat model of diet-induced obesity. We hypothesized that AS could also reduce body weight in obese humans. Therefore, we performed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial in Korea to evaluate the effect of AS extract (ASE) on body weight and fat mass and its safety in obese humans. Forty-four obese participants (body mass index [BMI], 25-30 kg/m 2) aged≥ 20 years were randomly …
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