InBody Scholar

InBody continues to work closely with academic researchers on a global scale to develop more in-depth clinical applications of body composition. With our long history in the industry, we provide more than 6,000 research publications. Research title with ★ indicates InBody recommended paper.

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Score for the Assessment of Body Image and Health Diagnosis Based on Anthropometric and Biochemical Measures in the Elderly

Body Composition Assessment
ACF de Araújo Patrício et al.
Used Parameters : TBW, BFM, Protein, Mineral

Publication Year : 2016

Country : Brazil

Journal : International Archives of Medicine

Objective: Identify a score for the diagnostic assessment of health and body image based on anthropometric and biochemical measures in the elderly. Method: Transversal research exploratory and quantitative approach, developed in the South of the city of João Pessoa-PB with 21 elderly practitioners of physical exercises in sport aerobics in the period of May to June 2015. It was used a sociodemographic questionnaire and the International Physical Activity questionnaire, IPAQ. The research was authorized by the ethics on Research …
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