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Fractionized walking at self-selected paces in women

Lifestyle Disease
Henry Williford et al.
Used Parameters : PBF

Publication Year : 2017

Country : USA

Journal : The Scientific Journal of Sports Medicine

The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate fractionized self-selected walking in women with one continuous 30 min (1-30) bout compared to three 10 min (3-10) bouts. Participants were19women (age 35.58±14.17 yrs, 72.93±35.07 kg, height 165.02±2.28 cm and fat% 33.20±9.94, Vo2max 30.16±7.11). In a cross-over design subjects walked on an indoor track at self-selected exercise paces for either 1-30 min continuous bout or 3-10 min bouts, spread over the day. Walking distance was measured on a calibrated track, and HR …
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