InBody Scholar

InBody continues to work closely with academic researchers on a global scale to develop more in-depth clinical applications of body composition. With our long history in the industry, we provide more than 6,000 research publications. Research title with ★ indicates InBody recommended paper.

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Daily yogurt consumption improves glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity in young nondiabetic Japanese subjects with type-2

D Watanabe et al.
Used Parameters : BW, BMI, SMM, BFM

Publication Year : 2018

Country : Japan

Journal : Nutrients

This study investigated whether the association between postprandial plasma glucose (PPG) is affected by five type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) susceptibility genes, and whether four weeks of yogurt consumption would affect these responses. We performed a single-arm intervention study in young nondiabetic Japanese participants, who consumed 150 g yogurt daily for four weeks, after which a rice test meal containing 50 g carbohydrate was administered. PPG and postprandial serum insulin (PSI) were measured between 0 and 120 …
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