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Effect of a comprehensive health care program on blood pressure, blood glucose, body composition, and depression in older adult
Geriatrics | MM, BFM | Hwang et al. | 2019 | Korea | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
This study explored the effects of a comprehensive health-care program (CHCP) on blood pressure, blood glucose, body composition, and depression in older adults living alone. We used a quasi-experimental, two-group, pretest–posttest design. The CHCP consisted of open lectures, health counseling, exercise classes, nutrition counseling, and self-help group meetings at a local senior welfare center. Fifty-eight subjects participated in this study, with thirty subjects in the experimental group and twenty-eight subjects in the control group. Data …
Effect of multicomponent exercise and nutrition support on the cognitive function of older adults: a randomized controlled tria
Geriatrics | SMI, BMI | Imaoka et al. | 2019 | Japan | Clinical Interventions in Aging
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High Visceral Fat Area Attenuated the Negative Association between High Body Mass Index and Sarcopenia in Community-Dwelling Ol
Geriatrics | VFA, SMI | Li et al. | 2020 | China | Healthcare
The association between obesity and sarcopenia remains controversial. The present study was conducted to explore the associations among body mass index (BMI), visceral fat area (VFA), and sarcopenia in older people and analyze their potential mechanisms. This cross-sectional study included 861 community-dwelling older Chinese people from three regions of China. BMI, VFA, muscle mass, muscle strength, physical performance, body composition, and metabolic markers were measured. Muscle mass and muscle strength were positively …
Association between skeletal muscle mass index and lung function/respiratory muscle strength in older adults requiring long-ter
Geriatrics | SMI | Sawaya et al. | 2020 | Japan | The Journal of Physical Therapy Science
[Purpose] We focused on skeletal muscle mass index, one of the biomarkers of sarcopenia, and investigated the association between skeletal muscle mass index and the parameters of lung function and respiratory muscle strength.[Participants and Methods] After applying the exclusion criteria, we included, in this cross-sectional study, 120 community-dwelling older adults aged≥ 65 years who required long-term care/support and underwent ambulatory rehabilitation under the long-term care insurance system in Japan. We measured the …
Effects of 12-week resistance exercise and interval training on the skeletal muscle area, physical fitness, and mental health i
Geriatrics | PBF, BMI | Yoon et al. | 2019 | Korea | Journal of exercise rehabilitation
This study aimed to determine the effects of resistance exercise and interval training on the visceral fat to skeletal muscle area, physical fitness, cognitive functions, and mental health in old women. The study was conducted among 30 older women enrolled in the National Fitness Center in Seoul. They were randomly sampled into the resistance exercise and interval training group (RI group: n= 10, aged 64.10±3.35), the resistance and aerobic exercise group (RA group: n= 10, aged 65.20±5.10), and the control group (n= 10, aged …
Friendship-related social isolation is a potential risk factor for the transition from robust to prefrailty among healthy older
Geriatrics | ASMI | Uno et al. | 2020 | Japan | European Geriatric Medicine
Purpose Social factors are often overlooked when considering physical frailty. The purpose of this study was to determine whether social isolation is associated with new onset of physical frailty among healthy Japanese older adults. Methods This was a 1-year prospective cohort study conducted in Japan from August 2014 to August 2015. The participants were 229 Japanese older people (106 men, 123 women, mean age= 69.3±4.2 years) who did not have prefrailty or frailty at baseline and who were current students or …
Incidence and predictors of cognitive frailty among older adults: a community-based longitudinal study
Geriatrics | PBF, BFM, FFM, SMM | Rivan et al. | 2020 | Malaysia | International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Background: Cognitive frailty (CF) is the simultaneous presence of physical frailty and cognitive impairment with an increased risk of dementia. Considering that the risk factors of CF are mostly elucidated from cross-sectional studies, we conducted a community-based longitudinal study to determine the incidence and the predictors of CF among Malaysian older adults.;(2) Methods: Out of 490 older adults participating in the Malaysian Towards Useful Aging (TUA) study, 282 were successfully followed-up at five-years for an analysis of …
Risk stratification among metabolically unhealthy obese in independent physically inactive aged women
Geriatrics | BW, BMI, FFM, BFM, PBF | NN Adly et al. | 2019 | Egypt | Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews
Objectives To determine whether or not adiponectin levels or basal metabolic rate (BMR) could predict worse risk stratification in patients with insulin resistance (IR) among metabolically healthy and unhealthy obese (MUHO) elderly females with Metabolic syndrome (MetS). Methods A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 109 elderly females in geriatric nursing home with MetS. The participants were reclassified according to adiponectin levels and IR. Results Group (1)(with IR, n= 41) compared to group (2)(without …
Tongue muscle strength affects posterior pharyngeal wall advancement during swallowing: A cross‐sectional study of outpatients
Geriatrics | SMI | Nagashima et al. | 2020 | Japan | Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Background Tongue muscle strength is important for swallowing but decreases with age, in association with reduced skeletal muscle mass. However, the relationships between pharyngeal dynamics and both skeletal muscle mass and tongue muscle strength are unknown. Objective To investigate the effect of reductions in tongue muscle strength on pharyngeal movement during swallowing in patients with dysphagia. Methods Subjects were selected from male outpatients≥ 65 years old who were examined for the main …