InBody continues to work closely with academic researchers on a global scale to develop more in-depth clinical applications of body composition. With our long history in the industry, we provide more than 7,000 research publications.
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The relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and health-related physical fitness in university students
Psychiatry | WHR | Jeoung, B. J. | 2014 | Korea | Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation
College students with a tendency toward attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) tend to act impulsively because they cannot control their behavior. They display low academic achievement and insufficient social skills, and are at high risk for alcoholism and drug abuse. Although various intervention methods have been used to reduce ADHD tendency (eg, improving physical fitness and participating in sports and exercise), there are few studies on the relationship between ADHD and health-related physical fitness. Accordingly …
Effects of a walking exercise program for obese individuals with intellectual disability staying in a residential care facility
Psychiatry | BMI, PBF | Son S et al. | 2016 | Korea | Journal of Physical Therapy Science
[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to confirm the critical importance of active obesity management through a fitness program, and to provide foundational data required for effective obesity management of disabled persons residing in residential carse facilities.[Subjects and Methods] The study period lasted 16 weeks, from August 1 to November 30, 2014. The study participants comprised 9 individuals and they participated in a walking exercise program. An occupational therapist assessed each participant's body …
Motor proficiency and physical fitness in adolescent males with and without autism spectrum disorders
Psychiatry | FFM, PBF | chien-Yu Pan | 2014 | Taiwan | Autism
This study compared components of motor proficiency and physical fitness in adolescents with and without autism spectrum disorders, and assessed the associations between the two measures within each group. A total of 62 adolescent males with (n= 31) and without (n= 31) autism spectrum disorders aged 10–17 years completed the Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (2nd ed.), the BROCKPORT Physical Fitness Test, and the bioelectrical impedance analysis. The main findings are as follows:(1) adolescents with autism spectrum …
Risk for eating disorders and body composition among adolescent female and male athletes and non-athlete controls
Psychiatry | BW, BMI, FFM, Muscle Mass, PBF | Pustivšek et al. | 2019 | Slovenia | International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health
Purpose The objective of this research was to investigate the risk for eating disorders (EDs) and compare body composition in participants with and without risk in adolescent Slovenian athletes and aged matched controls. Methods A total of 583 randomly selected adolescents, aged from 15 to 17 years, completed a sick, control, one stone, fat, food (SCOFF) questionnaire for detecting risk for EDs. Weight and body composition were measured using a bioelectrical impedance machine. Based on the data body mass index (BMI), percentiles …
The effects of Nordic and general walking on depression disorder patients' depression, sleep, and body composition
Psychiatry | FFM, SMM, PBF, BMR | Park SD, Yu SH. | 2015 | Korea | Journal of Physical Therapy Science
[Purpose] This study examined Nordic walking as an exercise intervention for the elderly with depression.[Subjects] Twenty-four patients who were diagnosed with depression were randomly selected and divided into two groups, an experimental group which performed Nordic walking, and a control group, which performed normal walking.[Methods] Both groups practiced their respective walking exercise for 50 minutes per day, three times a week for eight weeks. To compare the effects of the intervention, psychological factors using …
Association between dietary energy density with mental health and sleep quality in women with overweight/obesity
Psychiatry | BFM, FFM | Maddahi et al. | 2020 | Iran | BMC Research Notes
Mental health, sleep quality, and dietary intake are interlinked. Impairment of mental health and low sleep quality may contribute to obesity through the consumption of diets high in energy density. Nevertheless, it is not clear whether dietary energy density (DED) influences mental health. This study aimed to examine the association of DED with mental health indices, including depression, anxiety, stress, and sleep quality in women with overweight/obesity. There was a decreasing trajectory in serum triglyceride across quartiles …
Association between plasma α‐aminobutyric acid and depressive symptoms in older community‐dwelling adults in Japan
Psychiatry | SMM | Y Adachi et al. | 2018 | Japan | Geriatrics & Gerontology International
Aim To examine the association between depressive symptoms and plasma amino acid related metaboli in older adults. Methods A total of 152 older adults aged≥ 65 years, residing in Niigata, Japan, were used for analysis. We evaluated depressive symptoms using the Geriatric Depression Scale‐15, which has been validated in older community‐dwelling individuals, and used a cut off score of≥ 5 to classify participants as having depressive symptoms. We used high‐performance liquid chromatography‐electrospray …