InBody continues to work closely with academic researchers on a global scale to develop more in-depth clinical applications of body composition. With our long history in the industry, we provide more than 7,000 research publications. Research title with ★ indicates InBody recommended paper.
Effects of power training on mobility and gait biomechanics in old adults with moderate mobility disability: protocol and desig
Lifestyle Disease | BMI, SMM, BFM | Beijersbergen CM et al. | 2016 | Netherlands | Gerontology
Background: Walking speed decreases in old age. Even though old adults regularly participate in exercise interventions, we do not know how the intervention-induced changes in physical abilities produce faster walking. The Potsdam Gait Study (POGS) will examine the effects of 10 weeks of power training and detraining on leg muscle power and, for the first time, on complete gait biomechanics, including joint kinematics, kinetics, and muscle activation in old adults with moderate mobility disability. Methods/Design: POGS is a …
Effectiveness of a smartphone application for the management of metabolic syndrome components focusing on weight loss: a prelim
Lifestyle Disease | BW, PBF, VFA | T Toro-Ramos et al. | 2017 | USA | Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders
Background: There are inconsistent results for the effectiveness of using smartphone applications (apps) or websites on weight loss. We investigated the efficacy of a smartphone intervention using a designated app that utilizes a lifestyle intervention-focused approach, including a human coaching element, toward weight loss in overweight or obese Korean adults. Methods: One hundred four adults aged 20–60 years with a body mass index≥ 23 kg/m2, who signed up for a smartphone program for weight loss (using the Noom app), were …
Feasibility and effect of a Pilates program on the clinical, physical and sleep parameters of adolescents with anorexia nervosa
Lifestyle Disease | TBW, BFM, SLM, FFM, PBF | Martinez-Sanchez et al. | 2020 | Spain | Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice
Background and purpose Anorexia nervosa (AN) becomes chronic, with high physical, psychological and social morbidity and high mortality without early and effective treatment. The impact of physical exercise as a coadjutant to conventional treatment in this clinical population has been studied with favorable results. Although a Pilates program could be beneficial for patients with AN, no study has analyzed its feasibility and effects in adolescents with AN. Therefore, this study evaluated the safety of a Pilates program and …
Using a Humanoid Robot Along With a Registered Dietitian in an After‐School Program to Promote Healthy Eating Habits and Physic
Lifestyle Disease | Body composition | Mikati N et al. | 2016 | USA | FASEB Journal
The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a novel 6‐week after school nutrition and physical activity intervention administered by a registered dietitian with the help of a humanoid robot targeting elementary school aged children aged 6–12 years. The study was conducted across four Young Men's Christian's Association (YMCA) sites in Miami‐Dade County, Florida (N= 114, Mean age: 8.16±1.57 years) using a pretest‐posttest quasi‐experimental design via randomly assigned intervention (two sites; n= 63) and comparison …
Dietary intake and cardiovascular risk factors in Icelanders following voluntarily a low carbohydrate diet
Lifestyle Disease | FFM, PBF | Elidottir AS et al. | 2016 | Iceland | PLoS One
Background/Aim Most studies regarding low-carbohydrate diets (LCDs) have been intervention studies. The aim of the current study was to investigate dietary intake and cardiovascular risk factors among individuals who voluntarily follow a LCD. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted (N= 54, 20–66yrs) in Reykjavik, Iceland. Participants recorded food intake for three days. Blood samples were analyzed for cardiovascular risk factors. Results Nearly half of the participants were obese and around 60% had been on a …
Changes in physical fitness and body composition according to the physical activities of Korean adolescents
Lifestyle Disease | BW, BMI, FFM, PBF, Segmental FFM | M Cho, JY Kim | 2017 | Korea | Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation
This study comparatively analyzed obesity, lean balance, and physical fitness related to growth and development in female middle school students to investigate the importance of regular physical activity on body composition and physical fitness in adolescence. The subjects were 31 elementary school students in grades 5–6 in Seoul, consisting of 16 students in the regularly active group and 15 students in the inactive group. Body composition and physical fitness factors were measured. Height, weight, body mass index …