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Improvement of health literacy and intervention measurements among low socio-economic status women: findings from the MyBFF@ ho
Endocrinology | PBF, VFA | Cheong et al. | 2018 | Malaysia | BMC Women's Health
Health literacy (HL) consists of different components and associates with several health outcomes, including obesity. It is linked to an individual's knowledge, motivation, competencies, behavior, and application to everyday life. The present study aimed to determine the change of HL scores and to investigate the difference of intervention outcomes at the weight loss (WL) intervention and WL maintenance phase between the HL groups. A total of 322 participants from the MyBFF@ home study completed the Newest Vital …
Increase in relative skeletal muscle mass over time and its inverse association with metabolic syndrome development: a 7-year r
Endocrinology | Segmental FFM, SMI, BFM, PBF | Kim et al. | 2018 | Korea | Cardiovascular Diabetology
Skeletal muscle mass was negatively associated with metabolic syndrome prevalence in previous cross-sectional studies. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of baseline skeletal muscle mass and changes in skeletal muscle mass over time on the development of metabolic syndrome in a large population-based 7-year cohort study. A total of 14,830 and 11,639 individuals who underwent health examinations at the Health Promotion Center at Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea were included in the analyses …
Increased glycemic variability in type 2 diabetes patients treated with insulin-a real-life clinical practice, continuous gluco
Endocrinology | BMI, PBF, VFA | CI Crăciun et al. | 2018 | Romania | Revista Română de Medicină de Laborator
Influence of co-morbidity on body composition changes after weight loss intervention among overweight housewives: a follow-up s
Endocrinology | SMM, BFM, PBF, VFA | Abdul Aziz et al. | 2018 | Malaysia | BMC Women's Health
Obesity is a risk factor for co-morbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis and cardiovascular diseases. However, it is unclear if the presence of co-morbidities has any effect on the magnitude of body composition changes following weight reduction programmes. Thus, this study aimed to determine changes in body composition among obese housewives with and without co-morbidities after they participated in a weight loss intervention. This is a follow-up study among 84 obese housewives without co-morbidities …
Sarcopenia is associated with tongue pressure in older patients with type 2 diabetes: a cross‐sectional study of the KAMOGAWA‐D
Endocrinology | Segmental FFM, SMI | A Kaji et al. | 2018 | Japan | Geriatrics & Gerontology International
Aim Death as a result of pneumonia is an important issue in patients with diabetes. Tongue pressure is associated with swallowing function, which has a close association with aspiration pneumonia. However, no previous studies have shown the association between sarcopenia and tongue pressure in older patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods In the present cross‐sectional study, we investigated body composition, handgrip strength and tongue pressure. Skeletal muscle mass index (kg/m2) was defined as appendicular muscle …
Low cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with higher extracellular vesicle counts in obese adults
Endocrinology | FFM, PBF | N. Z. M. Eichner et al. | 2018 | USA | Physiological Reports
Low cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) independent of obesity. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are a novel target of CVD, however, it remains unknown if obese individuals with very poor fitness (VPF) have elevated EVs versus people with poor fitness (PF). Thus, we tested whether VPF was associated with greater EV subtypes in obese adults. Subjects with VPF (n= 13, VO 2peak: 15.4±0.6 mL/kg/min, BMI: 34.1±1.7 kg/m2) and PF (n= 13, VO 2peak: 25.9±3.0 mL/kg/min, BMI: 32.1±1.2 kg/m2) were …
Sprint interval training decreases left-ventricular glucose uptake compared to moderate-intensity continuous training in subjec
Endocrinology | FFM, PBF | Heiskanen MA et al. | 2017 | Finland | Scientific Reports
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is associated with reduced myocardial glucose uptake (GU) and increased free fatty acid uptake (FFAU). Sprint interval training (SIT) improves physical exercise capacity and metabolic biomarkers, but effects of SIT on cardiac function and energy substrate metabolism in diabetic subjects are unknown. We tested the hypothesis that SIT is more effective than moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) on adaptations in left and right ventricle (LV and RV) glucose and fatty acid metabolism in …
Efficacy of a gender‐tailored intervention to prevent weight regain in men over 3 years: A weight loss maintenance RCT
Endocrinology | %SMM, PBF, VFA | Young MD et al. | 2017 | Australia | Obesity
Objective To examine whether a gender‐tailored weight loss maintenance (WLM) program could reduce men's weight regain following weight loss. Methods Ninety‐two men who lost at least 4 kg during a 3‐month weight loss phase were randomized to receive:(i) a 6‐month WLM program (WL+ WLM; n= 47) or (ii) no resources (WL‐only; n= 45). The WLM program included written materials and messages (SMS, video email) plus other resources (eg, pedometer, Gymstick™). The primary outcome was weight change in the first year post …