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Effect of garlic powder supplementation on hepatic steatosis, liver enzymes and lipid profile in patients with non-alcoholic fa
Body Composition Assessment | BMI | Sangouni et al. | 2020 | Iran | British Journal of Nutrition
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) includes a range of disorders from simple steatosis to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. There is no proven drug treatment for NAFLD, and diet modification is considered part of the main line of treatment for this disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of garlic supplementation in NAFLD patients. The effect of garlic powder supplementation on hepatic steatosis, liver enzymes and lipid profile was investigated in NAFLD patients. Ninety NAFLD patients were randomly assigned to take …
Cohabiting with Smokers Is an Independent Factor for Worsening Arterial Stiffness Even in Smoking Workers
Cardiology | BMI, PBF, ASM, FFM | Inomoto et al. | 2020 | Japan | J UOEH
Preventing cardiovascular disease (CVD) is an urgent public health challenge. Although brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) can indicate the risk of arterial stiffness and CVD, findings regarding whether baPWV is associated with smoking are inconsistent. This study considered the influence of smoking on arteriosclerosis, specifically focusing on secondhand smoke (SHS), and aimed to construct a strategy for preventing the worsening of arteriosclerosis. We recruited 295 male employees from five companies who had smoking …
The Effects of Long-Term Magnesium Creatine Chelate Supplementation on Repeated Sprint Ability (RAST) in Elite Soccer Players
Body Composition Assessment | BM, PBF | Zajac et al. | 2020 | Poland | Nutrients
Aim: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of 16 weeks of a low dose of magnesium creatine chelate supplementation on repeated sprint ability test (RAST) results in elite soccer players. Materials: Twenty well-trained soccer players participated in the study. The players were divided randomly into two groups: the supplemented group (SG= 10) and placebo group (PG= 10). Out of the 20 subjects selected for the study, 16 (SG= 8, PG= 8) completed the entire experiment. The SG ingested a single dose of 5500 mg of …
The reliability and validity of current technologies for measuring barbell velocity in the free-weight back squat and power cle
Body Composition Assessment | BM | W. Thompson et al. | 2020 | UK | Sports
This study investigated the inter-day and intra-device reliability, and criterion validity of six devices for measuring barbell velocity in the free-weight back squat and power clean. In total, 10 competitive weightlifters completed an initial one repetition maximum (1RM) assessment followed by three load-velocity profiles (40–100% 1RM) in both exercises on four separate occasions. Mean and peak velocity was measured simultaneously on each device and compared to 3D motion capture for all repetitions. Reliability was assessed via …
Effects of 12-week ingestion of yogurt containing Lactobacillus plantarum OLL2712 on glucose metabolism and chronic inflammatio
Body Composition Assessment | BW | Toshimitsu et al. | 2020 | Japan | Nutrients
The ingestion of Lactobacillus plantarum OLL2712 (OLL2712) cells improved glucose metabolism by suppressing chronic inflammation in mouse models and in a preliminary clinical study. We aimed to clarify the effect of OLL2712 on glucose metabolism and chronic inflammation for healthy adults. Prediabetic adults (n= 130, age range: 20–64 years) were randomly assigned to either the placebo or OLL2712 groups (n= 65 each) and were administered conventional yogurt or yogurt containing more than 5× 10 9 heat-treated …
The assessment of muscle mechanical properties in multi-joint movements reveals inverse correlation of leg muscle force and pow
Body Composition Assessment | BFM | Dobrijevic et al. | 2020 | Serbia | Gait & Posture
Background The impact that mechanical factors might have on gait reorganization was evaluated by the relationship between muscle mechanical capacity of isolated leg muscle groups and transition speed in previous studies. However, until now there are no studies that explored the relationship between muscle mechanical properties measured in cyclic multi-joint movements and gait transition speed. Research question What is the nature of the relationship between gait transition speed and muscle mechanical capacities measured in …